
Is Blue Eye Samurai Suitable for Kids? Here’s What You Need to Know

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The Rise of Anime for Older Audiences

Animated shows and movies are not just for kids anymore. With the popularity of anime growing around the world, more animated projects are targeting older audiences and telling meaningful, complex, and daring stories.

Keeping an Eye on Animated Content

Parents should be aware of the kind of animated content their kids are watching. Some shows, like Attack on Titan and Jujutsu Kaisen, contain gruesome and violent scenes that are not suitable for children.

Blue Eye Samurai's Age Rating

The age rating of Blue Eye Samurai can vary from country to country. In the U.S., Canada, and Mexico, it is rated as TV-MA, meaning it should only be watched by mature audiences. Other countries, such as the U.K., Taiwan, and Brazil, also deem the show unsuitable for people under 18. Australia and Norway have slightly lower ratings, but still recommend the show for older audiences.

A Show for the Strong-Stomached

Blue Eye Samurai contains a lot of violence and gore, with depictions of blood, sliced limbs, heads, dead bodies, and even a brief torture scene. It's not for the weak of stomach.

Nudity and Sexual Content

Most episodes of Blue Eye Samurai feature nudity, including some full-frontal scenes. The show also depicts sex scenes and includes an implied rape. Parents should consider this before letting their underage child watch.

Strong Language and Profanity

If you're not comfortable with your child hearing profanity, Blue Eye Samurai may not be the best choice. The show uses strong language, including words like "wh*re," "f**k," and "sh*t."

Substance Use and Addiction

Blue Eye Samurai includes scenes of characters drinking sake, as well as depictions of drugs and smoking. Mizu's mother is addicted to opium, which she is seen smoking. Mizu is also drugged with a hallucinogenic flower at one point.

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Final Thoughts

Blue Eye Samurai is not suitable for all audiences. Parents should consider the show's violence, nudity, sexual content, strong language, and substance use before deciding whether or not it is appropriate for their child to watch.


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