
Julianna Margulies Speaks Out Against Antisemitism in USA Today Op-Ed

Actress Calls for Action and Voices of Support

Julianna Margulies, known for her roles in "The Morning Show" and "E.R.", is taking a stand against antisemitism in an op-ed published in USA Today. The actress has been vocal about discrimination against the Jewish faith in Hollywood and is now calling on her fellow Americans to speak out against antisemitism in both Israel and America.

Highlighting the Silence of Peers

Margulies expressed her disappointment in the relative silence from her peers in Hollywood following Hamas' attack on Israel, which claimed the lives of over 1,200 people. She hopes to inspire others to use their voices and platforms to draw attention to this issue. While there have been exceptions, such as Amy Schumer, Patricia Heaton, Jon Lovitz, and Sacha Baron Cohen, Margulies is urging more people to join the conversation.

A Plea for Understanding

In her op-ed, Margulies emphasizes the importance of understanding the fears and struggles faced by Jewish citizens across the globe. She shares a personal anecdote about the value of one Jewish life and compares it to the silence during the Holocaust. Margulies also mentions her involvement in other social causes, such as Black Lives Matter and LGBTQ+ rights, highlighting her commitment to fighting for the human cause.

Black Lives Matter and Hamas

The article draws attention to the connection between Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Hamas, the group responsible for the October 7 terrorist attacks. Several BLM chapters have shown support for Hamas, with some referring to the attacks as a "desperate act of self-defense." Margulies' decision to mention BLM in her op-ed is questioned, as it brings to light the movement's troubling associations.

The Need for Awareness

The article raises concerns about whether Margulies and the editors at USA Today were aware of BLM's support for Hamas. It points out that mainstream news organizations largely ignored the story, suggesting a lack of awareness or attention. Regardless, the author argues that it is inexcusable to overlook this information and highlights the importance of being informed and cautious when discussing sensitive topics.


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