
Marvel’s Self-Created Plotholes: A Sinking Ship?

courtesy of wegotthiscovered.com

Marvel's Decade of Success

Marvel's rise to fame began with Iron Man in 2008 and continued until Avengers: Endgame and Far From Home. Despite a few hiccups, the franchise seemed unstoppable. Endgame propelled the MCU to new heights, encouraging the studio to take risks.

Unanswered Questions and Inconsistencies

Marvel has created a laundry list of issues, leaving fans with unanswered questions. From Nick Fury's drastic change in demeanor to the mysteries surrounding Kamala and the unaddressed consequences of events in The Eternals, Marvel's own storytelling has left fans scratching their heads.

Unresolved Mysteries and Inconsistencies

Marvel's revelations were jaw-dropping, but unresolved mysteries can become frustrating. Imagine if Iron Man's suit suddenly changed without explanation or if Thor suddenly became friends with his would-be killer. Marvel needs to resolve these mysteries in a sensible way.

Dependence on Star Power

Casting big names may not be the solution to fixing the MCU. Relying on fan trust and half-baked storylines will only lead to disappointment. The studio needs well-written characters and properly penned scripts to succeed.

Broken Promises and Shaky Trust

Marvel's decision to bombard viewers with Easter eggs and references without fulfilling the promises they imply has eroded trust. Even obvious hints, like the "X" in The Marvels trailer, are met with skepticism. Marvel needs to deliver on these promises to regain trust.

Greed over Quality

Marvel's rush to pump out more content has compromised the quality of the franchise. Superhero fatigue may be a factor, but what fans are truly tired of is sub-par content. Marvel's flashy presentations can no longer blind us to the lackluster storytelling.

A Plea to Marvel

As a Marvel loyalist, we hope the studio learns from its mistakes without making more. The franchise's past success should not overshadow the need for quality content. Let's hope Marvel can navigate these plotholes and return to its former glory.

courtesy of wegotthiscovered.com


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