
An ex-Microsoft VP of HR explains 3 things you can do to stay on your boss’s radar and off the layoff list

There is a yellow background and three small white figurines in business suits, with a large handheld magnifying glass centered on the middle figure.Chris Williams, ex-Microsoft VP of HR, wrote that being visible helps avoid uncomfortable inquiries like DOGE's "five bullet points" requested email.

  • Chris Williams is an ex-VP of HR at Microsoft and has over 40 years of executive experience.
  • Williams said being visible can help workers avoid DOGE-like emails requesting accomplishments.
  • He shared how to track accomplishments, get recognized, and know when to help out at work.

The "five things you did last week" email that DOGE sent to all federal workers has raised an important question for employees everywhere. How do you stay on your boss's radar in a positive way?

Simply put, if your boss already knew what you were up to, they wouldn't need to send an email like that. As the former VP of HR for Microsoft with 40 years of business leadership experience, I've seen a lot of people who know how to stay visible.

Being visible helps avoid uncomfortable inquiries like the "five bullet points" request and makes performance reviews easier for both you and your boss. It helps you avoid being labeled an underperformer when cuts are considered and it can help you be more top of mind when opportunities arise — it's a great way to "manage up."

Here are three ways to help you stay visible to your boss and reduce your chances of being laid off.

You should always track your accomplishments at work

It doesn't matter if your boss sends an intrusive status report request like "send five bullet points from last week" or a simple "Hey, what's up?" inquiry; you should always be ready to talk about what you've been up to.

That's why you should track your accomplishments. There are many ways to do this. Some people keep a "brag book," a simple document where they list the significant things they've done. Others use a notes application or even a complex database.

For years I kept a simple four-column spreadsheet

My spreadsheet had columns labeled: Date, Item, Significance, and Notes. Every day, or at worst, every week, I'd add a couple of rows to the sheet. I'd insert the date and a phrase for the item — just enough to remind me what it was.

In the significance column, I'd put a number to represent how important the item felt at the time, with "5" being the highest. In notes, I'd add a comment or even a link to the project or document.

Then whenever I wanted, I could sort by significance and date and get the most important things from the last month, week, or year. When bosses requested a progress report, I was always ready to respond: "I'm glad you asked."

The best way to ensure this happens is to make it a habit. Spend two minutes updating your list at the end of every day. This also helps at performance review time, where you'll inevitably need to report on your accomplishments for the year.

Don't be shy to take credit where due

Another important way to stay visible is to ensure you take credit when you deserve it. Too many people get shy or humble at work and let others grab the limelight.

Work is not a place for excessive humility. The forever humble, the "I'm just doing my job" kind of people are often overlooked. They're just doing their jobs, after all. If you want to be seen, you have to be visible. Don't be afraid to take credit for your accomplishments.

Ways to make sure you get credit for your work

Insist your name appears on that proposal or presentation. Don't be afraid to put your name under the title of that document. Don't be shy about answering "That was me" when someone asks about a great idea.

Also, don't let others steal your work without objection — even if you lose a battle for representation. For example, when your boss takes the credit, putting them on notice helps for the next time. If you simply let people take credit for your work, they'll never stop.

Raise your hand and help out

A final way to stay visible is to not shrink into a corner when the boss needs help. When the call comes for volunteers, raise your hand.

One of the best ways to stay on your boss's good side is to help them get their job done. The best way to do that is to do things they don't want or have time to do. Just being able to say, "Don't worry, I'll handle that," means a lot.

But it's often hard to know what they need help with. You don't do their job, so it's a challenge to understand where you can jump in. When they explicitly ask, that's where you can most certainly be useful.

Know when to volunteer and when to sit back

You don't have to raise your hand all the time. You don't have to answer your boss's every whim. You shouldn't stretch yourself beyond your limits just to be in their good graces.

But you should also not be the one who never volunteers. Your boss will notice that you never pitch in or lend a hand to your peers. That's how you stay on your boss's radar in the worst possible way.

Essentially, if you track your performance, take credit where due, and learn when to help out, you'll never be blindsided by the "five things you did last week" request because both you and your boss will already know. These are three great ways to increase visibility at work.

Chris Williams is a former VP of HR at Microsoft. He's an executive-level advisor and consultant with over 40 years of experience leading and building teams.

Read the original article on Business Insider

By: insider@insider.com (Chris Williams )
Title: An ex-Microsoft VP of HR explains 3 things you can do to stay on your boss’s radar and off the layoff list
Sourced From: www.businessinsider.com/how-to-stay-on-boss-radar-off-layoff-list-2025-3
Published Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2025 09:07:01 +0000

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